Your true custom tailor.

Yongzheng was founded in 1986,  bringing in the most talented craftsmen – and women – who’ve created garments that have been long treasured. It’s their commitment to service and excellence that has secured the Yongzheng reputation.



Our Workplace

At the headquarters in Tianjin Binhai, you will have the opportunity to encounter, first hand, the Yongzheng Tailor Shop experience with the help of our highly skilled staff. Our factory occupies an area of over 860,000 Sqft. Our special garden-style production base is the largest handmade garment production park in the world with the highest production standard. 



With a green environment, our skilled tailors create their art of clothes in a relaxed and pleasant state.

The production base of Yongzheng Tailor Shop provides our artisans a relaxed environment to show their craftsmanship in a green, nature filled surrounding. Tropical plants are planted throughout the factory to provide clean air and promote wellness.


Take a tour of the factory.

Schedule an appointment today.

535 5th Avenue, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10017
